
Smart Production Assistant: Transforming Industrial Operations with Generative AI

We’ve all seen how large language models (LLMs) can fetch details from documents and answer questions. But what if we took things further? Imagine an LLM that not only pulls information from real-time operational data but also blends it with industry knowledge from manuals, design documents, and best practices. Picture it is using standard oil and gas simulators like PIPESIM or SYMMETRY, and even running advanced machine learning models on the fly to tackle complex problems. That’s where true innovation lies—combining live data, industry expertise, simulators, and AI-driven tools to address challenges with unmatched efficiency.

Overview of the Smart Production Assistant

The Smart Production Assistant is a LLM agent that coordinates a variety of specialized tools, grouped into three main categories:

  1. Data Tools: These tools are responsible for retrieving and processing operational and maintenance data. They’re designed to fetch, analyze, and visualize information, making data interactions seamless for users.
  2. Subject Matter Expertise (SME):Utilizing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques, these tools provide insights rooted in industry knowledge. They merge traditional expertise with real-time data to ensure that decision-making aligns with best practices and documented expertise.
  3. Simulators and Advanced analytics: This category includes tools for running sophisticated simulations and calculations. Enabling prognostics & health management (PHM) using machine learning models and simulators like PIPESIM and SYMMETRY, it allows the assistant to conduct complex computations and deliver precise predictions.
Figure 1

How it works

When you interact with the Smart Production Assistant, you simply ask a question or describe a task. The assistant then assesses your query to determine the best approach and selects the appropriate tools. This might involve gathering information, running simulations, performing intricate calculations, or generating interactive charts for enhanced visualization.

For instance, if you request a simulation based on live operational data, the assistant first uses the Data Tools to collect the relevant information. It then applies the Simulators and Calculations tools to execute the required simulation. Should further analysis be necessary—like comparing simulation results with design documents—the SME agent steps in to offer expert insights. The assistant then compiles all this information to provide you with a comprehensive response.

Figure 1: Smart Production Agent Assist users with multiple tools – This is a data driven approach for the CO2 emission estimation

Figure 1: Smart Production Agent Assist users with multiple tools – This is a data driven approach for the CO2 emission estimation

Unique Advantages

What sets the Smart Production Assistant apart is its ability to enable natural language interactions, making complex data and simulations accessible through simple queries. This eliminates the need for users to navigate multiple systems or possess deep technical knowledge. The assistant also generates dynamic visualizations, allowing users to make informed decisions quickly and effectively. Moreover, its multi-agent architecture ensures that various specialized tools work together harmoniously. While users experience a single, seamless interaction, multiple agents collaborate behind the scenes, leveraging their unique capabilities to deliver accurate and contextually relevant answers.


The Smart Production Assistant marks a significant advancement in industrial operations. By integrating Generative AI with domain-specific expertise and advanced simulations, it provides a powerful tool for oil and gas professionals. This assistant not only streamlines complex processes but also enhances decision-making, ensuring users have the best possible information at every step. The result is a more efficient, informed, and responsive approach to managing industrial operations.